5 Things I Wish I Knew Before Buying My Folding E-Bike
Written by: Rémy Rossi | January 17, 2024 | Time to read 3 min
Measure twice, cut once. You don’t need to read this article twice, but a once-over will help if you’re thinking about buying a folding e-Bike!

More about the Author: Remy Rossi
Rémy Rossi is a bike writer, mechanic, and educator who got his start in community-based bike shops and co-ops. With a decade in the industry, he still wrenches on bikes when he can and plays bike polo on a fixie.

👋 Upway says hello!
1. Foldability and portability are two different things

2. The bike rack vs. car trunk puzzle
Bend your gaze to these folding e-Bikes at Upway!
3. Taller riders beware
4. Folding e-Bikes come in all flavors

5. Do you actually need a folding electric bike?

Looking for a deal? 🤝 Get an even better discount when you trade in your electric bike now! Click here for a price estimation
Key Takeaways
- Portability Isn’t Guaranteed: Folding e-Bikes are easier to store than regular e-Bikes but heavier and less portable than traditional folding bikes.
- Car Compatibility Varies: Folding e-Bikes can fit in car trunks, but larger models may not work with smaller vehicles.
- Size and Fit Matter: Tall riders may struggle with folding e-Bikes, and a compact non-folding e-Bike might be a better option for some.