What are the incentives for purchasing an e-bike in the US

A good quality electric bike can be expensive. Even with the discounts offered by Upway (up to 60%), you might want to find other ways to decrease the total price of your ride.
The good news is that with gas prices, pollution, and space/parking management issues, several cities and states currently offer incentives and subsidies to encourage even more people to switch to an electric-bike by offsetting the cost of purchasing one.
Federal Tax Credit
One of the most common incentives is a federal tax credit, known as the Electric Bicycle Tax Credit, which provides a credit of up to $1000 for individuals who purchase an electric-bike. This tax credit applies to all e-bikes, regardless of their cost and can be claimed on your federal tax return.
State and City Incentives (last updated Feb 2023)
In addition to the federal tax credit, some states offer their own incentives for e-bike purchases. Please make sure you contact your local authorities to understand all the requirements as some cities require that your new e-bike must be purchase from a local bike shop. We are in contact with most the cities council to make sure Upway is
California Statewide:
The California E-Bike Affordability Program is a $10 million initiative launched by the California Bicycle Coalition in collaboration with the California Air Resources Board to give 10,000 Californians additional benefits when purchasing a new e-bike.
Contra Costa County:
Contra Costa County offers a $150 ($300 for lower income households) rebate for any electric bike, electric bike conversion kit, or electric moped. This applies to Class 1, 2, and 3 electric bikes. To take full advantage of this rebate, apply within six months of purchasing your new electric bike!
Healdsburg residents can benefit from up to $700 in electric bike rebates for residents (depending on the total value of the bike, where you buy it, where you live and your income status)
Eligible applicants in the Monterey Bay E-Bike Incentive Program can benefit from a post-purchase rebate ranging from $500 to $1000. To be considered, you must first purchase an e-bike from a qualified shop and then apply for consideration.
Mountain View:
Google Employees Google employees working on the Mountain View campus with a tenure of at least 6 months in the bike lending program are eligible for a $500 post-purchase rebate.
Oakland residents can benefit from a $500 rebate on electric bike purchase thanks to the Electric Bike Lending Library.
San Bernardino, Riverside, Orange, and Los Angeles Counties:
Residents can give up their cars or motorbike for cleaner alternatives and receive up to $9500 in cash to cover the costs via the Replace Your Ride program.
Santa Clara:
Silicon Valley Power can offer residents, who apply in the next 60 days after their purchase, a rebate of approximately 10% of the pre-tax cost of an electric bike.
Santa Cruz:
Residents can receive up to $800 in electric bike rebates depending on where they live and their income. You will have to apply for the program, watch the bike safety training video, and then complete a quiz and survey. If you complete all of these steps, you will receive a rebate voucher via email that you can redeem at any participating e-bike shop.
San Francisco Bay Area:
The Clean Cars for All program offers low-income residents a $7500 rebate to dispose of old and polluting electric bikes and replace them with new ones. The $7500 threshold can be met collectively by all family members in a single household purchasing various accessories such as bike locks, helmets, horns, and many more, in addition to additional e-bikes. .
Archuleta and La Plata:
La Plata Electric Association members who purchased a new e-bike within the last 90 days are eligible for a $300 e-bike rebate. The total rebate cannot exceed 25% of the cost of the new electric bike.
Residents of Avon can benefit from a $200 e-bike rebate for a new e-bike ($100 for a used one) if they buy a new e-bike worth $1000 or more. You will need to apply for the rebate in the next 180 days after your purchase.
Residents can qualify for a $200 e-bike rebate on their next e-bike purchase if the bike cost is more than $500. This rebate is only available if you apply within the first six months of purchasing a new electric bike.
The City of Denver offers amazing discounts up to $1700 for the purchase of an electric bike and up to $2200 for a Cargo electric bike. You will need to buy your e-bike from participating bike shop. Meanwhile is working with the city council to take part in the program.
All Gunnison County Electric Association members can receive a 25% post-purchase rebate on all new e-bikes, up to a maximum of $150. You can apply for the post-purchase rebate on their website with a copy of your official e-bike receipt.
Gunnison County, Mesa, Garfield, Pitkin, Eagle, and Glenwood Springs:
A $50 rebate is offered to residents for the purchase of a new e-bike. The only thing is that you must be a Holy Cross Energy customer and have a maximum of two electric bikes per household to be eligible for the $50 rebate.
Official Mountain Parks Electric members can benefit from rebates of up to 25% of the total cost of a new electric bike, with a cap of $150. You need to apply within the next 90 days via an email to the organisation.
Connecticut Statewide:
The Connecticut Clean Air Act expanded the Connecticut Hydrogen and Electric Automobile Purchase Rebate in May 2022 to include a $500 rebate for all electric bikes costing up to $3000.
Moreover, the Connecticut Assembly will soon put in place a personal tax credit for all electric bike purchases for state residents. Depending on your household income, the tax credit will range between $250 and $1000.
Easter Iowa:
Residents can enjoy a 25% post-purchase rebate of up to $150, which is currently only available to members of the Eastern Iowa Light and Power Cooperative.
South Portland:
City of South Portland residents can get a rebate for up to $500 for new electric bike if income qualified. Electric bike purchases valid if made on or after September 1, 2022 and a rebate check will be issued within 2-3 weeks.
Massachusetts Statewide:
Resident will be able to profit from a $500 to $750 e-bike rebate based on their income level for all purchases of electric bikes.
New York Statewide:
There was a Ride Clean program was in the works, thanks to the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority, and will offer a 50% rebate on all e-bike purchases, up to $1400. Mirroring New York's "Drive Clean" electric car program, but it was rejected. They are working on another fill at the moment.
Oklahoma Statewide:
The Oklahoma State council is working a bill that would offer a $200 tax credit for all new and qualifying electric bicycle purchases.
Oklahoma Statewide:
The Oklahoma State Legislature is debating a proposed bill that would provide a $200 tax credit for all new and qualifying electric bicycle purchases. There are no other details available until further notice.
Ashland Electric Utility customers can get rebates from $200 to $600 for an electric bike purchase , depending on the type of electric bike and where it was purchased.
Austin Energy has built a program that provides customers with rebates of up to $300. Both residential and commercial customers can take advantage of this program.
Vermont Statewide:
A bill is currently in the works to offer rebates from $200 to $400. The rebate amount is proportional to your salary.
Thanks to the Stowe Electric Department, you can obtain a $200 post-purchase rebate for your electric bike (only for class 1 electric bikes).
Swanton Village, Jacksonville Village, Village of Orleans, Northfield Electric Department, Village of Johnson, Morrisville Water & Light Department, Lyndonville Electric Department, Village of Enosburg Falls, Ludlow Electric Light Department, Hardwick Electric Department, and Barton Village:
Resident of the above areas can profit from a discount of $100 for any electric bike purchases or retrofit kits.
Washington Statewide:
There is in the proposal in the works for a $1000 tax credit for all e-bike purchases, with an estimated capital of $100 million. Aside from that, the Washington Legislature House has proposed an additional $200 in e-bike accessories, as well as an exemption from sales taxes on all e-bike purchases.
Amazon Corporate Offices in Seattle are providing their employees with a monthly subsidy of up to $400 to cover the cost of electric bike leases. The subsidy can also be used in app-based bike-sharing programs.
The "Build Back Better" bill, pending legislation, would provide a nationwide tax credit of up to $900 for eligible electric bike purchases. The credit is available to those who meet the income cap and purchase an electric bike costing less than $4,000.